An overview – what can Hadoop do for you?

What a difference can a year make? Well, a lot if it brings Hadoop with it. Before, Big Data was the only innovative concept left to the domain of a group of niche players and open source groups but over last few months, it is been Apache Hadoop’s turn.  

Hadoopis an ideal platform that is used to consolidate large-scale data from a large variety of legacy sources. It accompaniments current data management solutions with new analyses and handling tools and also delivers instant value to enterprises in a variety of vertical markets. Some of them are:

·         -E-tailing
·         -Retail
·         -Financial Services
·         -Telecommunication
·         -Web and Digital Media
·         -Government
·         -Health and Life Sciences etc.

Apart from aforementioned, another important advantage of Hadoopis the cost effectiveness it provides, which can’t be availed from any other similar technology. It is extremely recommended for businesses that require working with higher amount of data to go for Hadoop applications because it helps in fixing all types of complicated issues.

Hadoop applications are often used in web-related businesses where one requires tackling big log files and data from social network sites such as Facebook. In the world or media and advertising, a lot of enterprises use Hadoop, which enables the finest performance of ad offer analysis and keep track of online reviews.
If you feel that Hadoop, its application and features can leverage your business, it is recommended to read through Hadoop map tutorials and understand Hadoop ecosystem before using any Hadoop tool. 

If you want to know more about Hadoop MapReduce and Hadoop tools ecosystem then please visit our site -


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