Embracing SQL-MR to Handle Advanced (Analytical) Queries

The story behind the development of the SQL-mr function, as far as the world of enterprise data warehouse is concerned, is quite a funny one. Simply told, this resourceful function actually started out just as a simple expression evaluator, which is add, multiply, subtract and divide. It is from this humble beginning that this function grew into a full fledged programming language. With so much programming in the world, it is not impossible to wonder whether there aren’t enough of them yet. What is more, one cannot help but wonder what makes a new programming language more special than the earlier ones. Well, there are obviously convincing responses to your questions. 

This programming language usually runs in and as a SQL-mr function. The user passes on the program he or she wishes to run at the command line and done, it executes the code. Specifically, reading in normally record from the functions ON clause and passing then records back to your database. If you were already wondering if it can handle multi functions, then the answer is yes. What is more, it usually supports JDBC. This means that you can read from through a cursor variable, you can update, delete, insert records and even execute arbitrary SQL using a JDBC connection.

Another great thing about this function is that it bears the capacity to execute programs that were previously stored as enterprise data warehouse via the install command. This explains why it is considered an effectively kept procedure language.

There is actually a lot more of good things as far as this function is considered. Typically, SQL map reduce is a solution specifically designed for handling advanced analytical queries. Generally, the presence of more complex queries and increased data demands a more powerful enterprise data warehouse platform. A good number of database vendors have actually implemented SQL MapReduce. Better explained, it is a combination of the popular database language, SQL and a programming model developed by Google known as MapReduce.

Advantages of SQL MapReduce

  • Map reduce is usually implemented as a set of SQL table of functions. Despite being extremely sophisticated on the inside, these tables resemble the ones supported by SQL.
  • Individuals developing a report have to learn neither a new language nor a new set of statements. In any case, they just have to study the specific parameters of the MR functions.
  • Any existing reporting as well as an analytical tool that usually supports SQL can work effectively with SQL MapReduce.
  • SQL MapReduce is as storage independent and declarative as the SQL
  • With SQL MapReduce, developers have the liberty of writing their personal analytical functions and can use the language they consider comfortable to them.


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