Importance of Hadoop Training and Certification for Students


Before considering the importance and relevance of Hadoop Training and Certification for students, it is important and necessary to consider what constitutes Hadoop, its architecture, benefits and mode of operational usage for the benefit of users.

Hadood- an open sourced library with many benefits:

Essentially, as the scope of this paper would permit, Hadoop is an open sourced library which is readily available and downloadable from Apache Software Foundation.

One of the principal business advantages of Hadoop is that it provides for very convenient and easy distribution of data sets, possibly in petabytes, not over a single computer but over large clusters, or bunches of computers. Not only does it offer operational effectiveness but also increases performance of individual computers, while also shortening vital processing time. Besides, should any issues arise in individual computers, the other members of the cluster would be assigned to take over the tasks and duties of that affected computer, thereby reducing processing losses and time. This beneficially moves the company as a whole and helps increase performance, productivity and profitability in the medium and long term. However, the only concern that this author points out is in terms of large scale investments and operational costs that are necessary to enforce and sustain large clusters of computers, but this does even out in the long run through reduction of losses and increased productivity and optimally gains the benefits of economies of large scale in software libraries. 

Essentially this works on the architectural principle of one Master Computer, one second- in- command Back up Computer and a number of Slave computers, depending upon needs and operational viability.

Hadood architecture:

The Master computer issues orders that are processed by Slave computers and in the absence of Master Computer the Backup Computer takes over the tasks, responsibilities and practices of the Master Computer with equal apparent ease, efficacy and benefit to both user and enforcer.

Hadoop Training and certification is very important, since this one library which holds tremendous scope for a very good future, considering that businesses are now leap frogging from MB and GB to possible PB (petabytes) in future. With great increases in business development and increased activities, current and contemporary computer systems are unable to cope with increased inputs and thus there is greater need and demand for software that could perform massive computing tasks at high speed and low processing times. Besides, many major blue chip companies have not taken this library into their fold and are reaping rich dividends over time. In addition, this library is most innovative and is amenable for reform measures in future too, to keep pace and speed with changing, dynamic and perhaps overwhelming technology too.

Future of Hadood in evolving and ever changing software world:

In short, keeping in view the future needs, aspirations and demands of future technology and their impact on education and enlightenment, the Hadoop Training and Certification would be the best thing that has ever happened to many aspirant software professionals, developers and consultants over time. Since this is an open source and innovative library, it does not depend upon often-failing-servers, but itself takes up the responsibility of detecting and remedying failures at application stages, thus ensuring optimum and maximum protection, sustenance, propagation and perpetration of knowledge , exposure and skill development in the domains of software development, consultancy services and training that could go on a long, long way into the future, undeterred and unfazed by newer technological upgradations and introduction of newer software into this domains.

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