How Companies Should Go About the Process of Integrating Big Data Analytics into Their Operations

Big Data Analytics

Analytics big data is the way companies are integrating information technology into their operations at a core level. This is the use of specialized information technology systems to derive useful information from the data that they have accumulated in their operations. However, the recent nature of analytics with a big data business context is a recent innovation. As a result, so many companies are unsure as to how they should go about the integration process so as to get the most value out of the system. Here are the recommended stages through which a company should integrate analytics big data into its operations.

Initial stage

The initial stage is important as it allows the company to get a realistic view of the kind of data that they will be expected to deal with in the implementation of analytics. The IT department must get as much information as they can on the kind of data and data quantities with which they need to prepare to deal.

Storage stage

Big data means a need for big storage. As a result, the next stage is companies have to look for storage solutions for their big data. This means that they have to invest in data warehouses that are capable of handling their data needs. It is important to note that the quality of the data warehouse will have an impact on their foray into analytics big data. The better the warehouse, the easier it will be to build a powerful data analytics solution into their system.

Past analytics to predictive analytics stage

The next stage of analytics big data is moving from past analytics to predictive analytics. The analytics platform that they are integrating into their operations will only be able to provide information on what happened in the past. This is intelligence that is based on a historical analysis of data records. As the system is improved, presentation of data is automated with the introduction of executive dashboards. These executive dashboards are used to provide reports as they are requested. At this stage, the IT department is then able to integrate predictive tools into their data management system. These use algorithms and mathematical models to make it possible to process current data into useful insights on future trends.

Real-time usage

The last stage is where analytics big data has been implemented into everyday operations. Information is processed as it is acquired and insights implemented as they are derived. 

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